It’s around 1 am on Saturday, July 18 as I type this.  And currently, I have 94 subscribers on my YouTube channel.  I’m so close to 100!  YouTube gives you a custom URL at 100 subs, and a few other little things, but mostly it’s just the first goal that new YouTubers shoot for.  If you’re reading this and you haven’t subscribed to the YouTube channel, how about doing me a favor and subscribing?  You’ll find it at:

The second goal is way, way, way harder, and that’s to get to 1,000 subscribers.  Once you hit that number (and a certain number of hours people spent watching your videos) you get to start posting ads and making an extremely small amount of money.  My goal is to hit 1,000 subs in two years.  Seems doable.

Today I posted the video that starts out with Tony looking at three comic book ads from the 60’s and it was a lot of fun to make that video.  Tony is a really fun character to work with.  I think he’ll grow on people.  I was proud of this video – it came out like I wanted it to.

I have been watching some of the big YouTubers out there do a challenge from Crimson Guitars where they build a guitar from a kit.  I’ve never done that before and I’ve always wanted to, so I might be buying a kit pretty soon here.  I’m hoping so.  It’d make for a fun set of videos.