And with a massive flurry of trumpets, the YouTube channel was launched and immediately built a massive following of… 19 people, as of the end of the day when I released my first video.  Which is great, because I was only expecting 10.

I made the decision several years ago to start my own channel, but what ultimately made me do it was being stuck at home during the pandemic we are now in.  I made a list of 100 ideas for videos.  I’m completed 2 and in the next 4 days I’ll have a third finished – I want to always be at least one video ahead, and to release weekly.

And I have a goal – my goal is to have released 100 videos and have 1,000 subscribers by two years from now.  That’s a pretty small number of subs compared to the channels I like to watch, but I’m not doing YouTube full time for a living, so I can’t really expect to get their numbers.  At the two year mark, I will reevaluate and see where things are at.  I don’t expect to do a video a week for the rest of my life.  Right now, 100 sounds about right.

The emphasis of the channel is education – I want people to be able to learn something I know.  I’m not as good of a guitar player as most of the guitarists out there with channels.  I’m not a super accomplished session or live player.  But I’ve played tons of gigs, recorded and released four albums, had my music licensed, and spent thousands of hours learning how everything works.

The content I will share won’t be the end-all, but rather a starting point for people who want to learn more.  If I can teach someone something and entertain them a little, it’ll be worth it.

I believe that I will get better at this.  I’m happy with my first video, but I recognize that it could be a lot better.  There’s a lot I have to learn, but you have to start somewhere.  Next week’s video is an unboxing/setup video for the HX Stomp.  It was fun to make.  Right now I’m working on a Strat tips video as well as some more HX Stomp content.

I’ll blog about the process as I go, in the hopes that it might be interesting to someone somewhere.

If you have any ideas for topics you’d like to see covered on a future video, please email me at and let me know.  As always, thank you for reading!